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Formatter- Enlaby


ed, .sc were also considered. Questionnaires were completed by 500 student teachers (55% males and 44% females). The most frequent teaching experience was.ed (81%), followed (71%),.mh (65%) (31%). The findings suggest that the introduction of such teaching experience within the framework of the curriculum of the student teachers was considered as an "added value". Nevertheless, 37% of student teachers in the study had no direct experience in teaching children. This group was statistically significantly more reluctant to communicate between subjects as well as reluctant to use supplementary learning activities in order to communicate between subjects. Differences in the introduction of such experiences into the framework of the curriculum based on gender were not found. A gender effect was found in that female student teachers were statistically more reluctant than males to use supplementary learning activities to communicate between subjects. The results suggest that even though the need for integration within the framework of the curriculum is recognized by some, the majority of student teachers perceive difficulties in implementing it in real life. The findings are discussed in the context of the current literature.Q: use lambda expression with Linq to Entities I need to get most recent record from database according to DateTime value of my entity. I use the following code: var q = (from p in context.Products where p.UnitPrice!= p.UnitPrice && p.IsOnSale == true && p.Date == p.Date.Value.AddDays(-1) orderby p.Date descending select p).ToList(); I tried to move the last condition inside the "where" clause, then I get the following error: Error 1 The LINQ expression 'Orderby [p].[Date] descending' could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a

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